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Welcome to our site which we use as a general dumping ground for stuff we want to share. We hope you find some of it useful. We live in the heart of the UK countryside with our kids, surrounded by hills, apple trees, unfinished tree houses, unflown rc gliders, dusty classic cars, and even dustier surf boards (there is never enough time when you have kids). Every year we try (and fail) to grow veggies..... well you have to, don't you? OK, I guess you don't, but we did!
This website holds some of the anti-knowlege we have built up along the way...... we had to put it somewhere!
MERCEDES E-CLASS REPAIR AND UPGRADE - New guides that show you how to repair the LCD displays, upgrade to LED lighting and replace instrument panel bulbs..
TOOLPAC - ToolPac allows you to connect a Campac to your PC for backup. Download it here.
MOT CHECK LIST - a simple list of checks to ensure your car never fails an MOT again. Do not get overcharged by a mechanic!
TRADITIONAL BREWING & COOKING - A lavender beer recipe, Cider press plans, make your own bacon and all things cooking.
PHOTOS SECTION - We've added a photos section to the site. Friends and family please login first as not all photos are visible to guests.
COOKING ROASTS CALCULATOR - We've updated the roasting calculator. You can now get instant tailored cooking times & recipes for cooking your Sunday roasts